Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Joke.

Knock Knock

                   Who's there? 
                   Ima who?

Ima going to wake you the F*$k Up!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I am Your Host.

This is the site

                        Wake up Vancouver!

Back in the day I might have a radio show, announcing the "happenings" of the city and culture.

 Well...In that case, I am your host Knock Knock! As in Knockin down your door to wake you the F*#k Up!

Western society has become dull as baby toys when it comes to social concerns. Not only world wide but within our own community. Living by the philosophy; "It doesn't effect me".

There is a problem with this ideology, because it does effect you!

A submissive, desensitize community (zombie like, if you will) is shaping our community, where we are telling the Bureaucrats  "in power" that they have the power. Leading these corrupt criminals in  believing that, keeping our pleasurable self-centered senses at bay, while teasing us with the unachievable American Dream, will distract and satisfy us into a zombie like state. Instant gratification mixed with a meaningless goal becomes the peoples main focus, and we are losing site of humanity.

We have come to believe that there is no other choice. That this just the way it is.

I am here to tell you, YOU HAVE BEEN MISINFORMED.

The People Hold The Power. 

and knowledge will set us free.   

Now I'm not saying, that am this encyclopedia of information and revolution. Like you I am learning. However I wanted to create a space that empowered us; The People. 


My goal is to bring to you media in hopes to stimulate the brain cells, maybe put some pep in our step to become more involved in our community (and I don't mean drinking downtown because of the hockey game).  Perhaps make us think that this is not our only the option.

and I'm not saying to make change you need to be on the front lines of your community's next protest rally.
For the real change comes from within. Mental freedom. Then voting with your dollars. Not letting these bureaucrats place you in a stagnate statistic, in an endless cycle of consumerism and debt.

I will bring a variety to this site; music, art, literature, news and events in our community. And I am very excited to have a place of discussion and debate. 

A little about your host...I'm a writer, an activist and a lover of the arts and I hope to share this with you. 

For now...
Walk Good,

Knock Knock.